Upcoming AGM
The next ANZSVN Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 19th of October 2024 at 3:30pm. The AGM will be held during the ANZSVN Vascular Nursing Conference 2024. Which is being held at Crown Conference Centre, Melbourne, Australia. Please see attached agenda and previous minutes below.
The executive committee positions are due for re-election. You are encouraged to nominate to be part of the committee. Nominations forms are also below.
Nomination Forms
ANZSVN Committee

ANZSVN provide a number of activities throughout the year to celebrate the Vascular Nursing community along with opportunities to increase Members knowledge and skills in their field.

The ANZSVN Awards provide encouragement and acknowledgement for qualified Vascular Nurses who show excellence in their field.
The two awards are available for current Members of the ANZSVN each year are outlined below and the relevant criteria for nominations.
Sheri Sandison Encouragement Award
This annual award, first presented in 2011 in recognition of the key role Sheri Sandison played in the formation of the Australian and New Zealand Society for Vascular Nursing and becoming the inaugural Chairperson/President. While now retired; Sheri continues to be a role model; someone who made a difference in the lives of people with vascular disease.
This annual award is for an individual member who identifies with vascular as a career pathway and is a valuable opportunity to recognise ANZSVN members who are “coming up through the ranks” in their local workplace.
The recipient of the SHERI SANDISON ENCOURAGEMENT AWARD will receive a certificate, trophy and $750.
Nominations for 2024 should be emailed to the secretary by Monday 7th of October at 4pm AEST.
Download the Sheri Sandison Encouragement Award Nomination Form here
Nurse of the Year
This award has been established in 2009 to publicly acknowledge the achievements of vascular nurses and encourage professional development.
Open to Nurses registered with the Australian or New Zealand Registering Authority who work in any vascular related clinical field. The nominee must have contributed to advance vascular nursing practice within their clinical area, display a commitment to the profession of vascular nursing, actively share their knowledge with their peers and undertake self-directed learning.
The recipient of the ANZSVN NURSE OF THE YEAR AWARD will receive a certificate, trophy, honour board (for the workplace) plus $750.
Nominations for 2024 should be emailed to the secretary by Monday 7th of October at 4pm AEST.
Download the Vascular Nurse of the Year Nomination Form here
Janice Caine Best Presenter Award
Janice Caine is a Melbourne based Vascular Surgical Nurse who was an inaugural member of the Australian and New Zealand Society for Vascular Nursing. Janice served many years on the ANZSVN committee, with her most notable contribution as Membership Officer – a traditionally high-workload role.
Janice resigned from the committee in 2019 and in acknowledgement of her significant contributions to our society we have named our conference ‘best presenter’ award in her honour.
The Janice Caine award is provided to the best nursing professional presentation as part of the combined surgical and nursing annual scientific meeting – typically hosted in the latter half of the year. The award is judged on the attached criteria.
All nursing professionals who provide a presentation at the annual conference are automatically entered into the running for this award, so there are no application forms required. Please note that this award excludes first-time nursing presenters – these individuals are entered into the Best Novice Presenter Award (see below). Award candidates must hold a current ANZSVN membership.
The award is only provided to those nurses who provide their presentation ‘in person’ (can include a pre-recorded presentation and/or live online presentation).
The award is typically accompanied by a monetary sum (determined by conference sponsors) and is announced at the closing of the nursing plenary sessions at each annual conference.
Best Novice Presenter Award
The Best Novice Presenter Award is an annually awarded accolade for the nursing professional presenting for the first time at the annual ANZSVN conference. This award aims to encourage debutant nursing professionals who are taking their first steps into the world of scientific presentations.
First-time presenters who provide a presentation at the annual ANZSVN conference are automatically eligible for this award. There is no need to make a formal application for this award.
The award is judged on the attached criteria.
The award is only provided to those nurses who provide their presentation ‘in person’ (can include a pre-recorded presentation and/or live online presentation). Award candidates must hold a current ANZSVN membership.
The award is typically accompanied by a monetary sum (determined by conference sponsors) and is announced at the closing of the nursing plenary sessions at each annual conference.
Here we will provide you links and information relating to upcoming national forums relating to the Vascular Nursing sector.
The ANZSVN continue to partner with the ANZ Society for Vascular Surgeons to present the Annual Scientific Conference, to be held in 17th to the 20th October 2024 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
For current information and details on this event follow the link below.