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Nominations for the ANZSVN Executive Committee are now open

Nominations are now open for the ANZSVN Executive Committee.

In 2022 we will see all of the executive committee positions be available for nominees.

Working as part of the Executive Committee offers members a unique opportunity to network with peers, contribute to the running of the society and help steer and shape the direction of the society.

Current commitment is a one-hour videoconference once every month, with slightly more frequent meetings leading into the Conference - which is generally held around October each year.

The following roles will be available for nomination at the 2022 AGM:

  1. President

  2. Vice President

  3. Treasurer

  4. Secretary

  5. Membership Officer

  6. Website Officer

  7. Newsletter Editor

  8. Conference Liaison Officer

  9. General Committee Positions

Should you have any enquiries - please send an email to

Links to nomination forms are available below.



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