Hello ANZSVN members,
The ANZSVN conference is only a few weeks away and we are busy putting the final touches on the program. We are all so excited to collaborate and learn from each other.
The ANZSVN AGM for 2024 will be held during the ANZSVN conference on Saturday 19th of October at 3:30pm. All current financial and life time members are encouraged to attend.
You will find the previous AGM minutes and upcoming AGM minutes on the ANZSVN website under the activites tab.
Award Nominations
Every year we award outstanding Vascular Nurses with the Sheri Sandison Encouragment Award and the Vascular Nurse of the Year award. Please think of the excellent vascular nurses you work with and consider sending in a nomination. The nomination forms can dbe found on the activities tab on the website.
Committee Elections
As per the ANZSVN by-laws all committee memberships will be made vacant at the ANZSVN AGM. Members are encouraged to nominate for election. There are executive committee memberships or state representative committee memberships to be filled. The nominations forms are also on the activities page on the website.
CoNNMO Update
CoNNMO - Coalition of National Nursing and Midwifery Organisations has sent throught the following invitation for members to take part in webinars to work through and review the Nurisng Workforce Strategy. Please see details below.
The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care Nursing Taskforce Section of the Health Workforce Division has approached the CoNNMO Secretariat to organise two webinars to hear CoNNMO members views on the draft National Nursing Workforce Strategy.
These webinars will be an opportunity to provide feedback on the draft strategy. Members can attend either:
Webinar 1 – Monday 14th October 12.30-1.30 pm (facilitated by Karen Cook)
Webinar 2 – Wednesday 16th October 4-5 pm (facilitated by Frances Rice)
To register your attendance please email Anastasia at ashianis@anmf.org.au
Before the session, you will be required to read the draft strategy or its summary. Both these documents are attached in this email. Â
During the session, please have the documents available for your reference. Â
Further information on the National Nursing Workforce Strategy is available at: www.health.gov.au/nnwsÂ
The public consultation for the strategy is now live.
The Draft National Nursing Workforce Strategy and supporting resources (promotional flyer, two-page summary) has been posted to the CoNNMO member website and can also be distributed to your members. Please use the information provided by the Department below:
National Nursing Workforce Strategy – Public consultation now openÂ
Public consultation on the draft National Nursing Workforce Strategy is now open! To have your say, please provide your feedback by completing the survey or upload a written submission through this link.Â
The strategy has been drafted using input from 6,000 stakeholders and a range of other evidence. The key issues, ideas and feedback provided during that process are reflected in this draft strategy. Â
Public consultation will remain open from 11 September 2024 until midnight 20 October 2024. We encourage you to share this update with your networks and relevant stakeholders. Â
More information on the development of the National Nursing Workforce Strategy is available at www.health.gov.au/nnwsÂ